In Development

SEVEN SISTERS NAMED ROSA-  “In the 1970’s, the south Bronx was as close to hell as you could come.”  Told from a child’s perspective, Seven sisters shows how a family survives an impossible time, in an impossible place.  During an era when the Bronx was burning, crime and unemployment were at an all time high, and gang violence ran rampant, this family survived.  Using creativity, unity and the ability to laugh, they achieve the American dream. (In development)    

THE PLANTAIN STAIN-  Set in the 1940’s,  Dunga and her sisters use humor and the beautiful landscape of their Puerto Rican countryside to help them escape extreme poverty and a violent home life. Afraid of their abusive father and needing relief from the back breaking work in the fields, the sisters weave stories and dreams that, for Dunga, become a reality.  (in development)    

VIVE- Chuck Vive has spent his entire childhood working as a farmhand, alongside his father.  After moving to a new town, he welcomes the attention he receives from his school principal, mistaking it for kindness.  He soon learns the true motive but ironically, finds self-worth, through the tragedy of sexual abuse.  (in development)

JOURNEYS-  A series of Monologues about the immigrant experience.  Journeys is a two woman show portraying six different characters of different backgrounds and age.   Each character shares a unique story with the audience about their experience coming to America.  Why they came, their first impressions, most memorable experience, and who was left behind.  In all, the piece deals with the loneliness, struggles, joys and dreams.  It serves as a gentle reminder of our ancestors'… Journeys.
(in development)   

UNTILTED 1/2 HOUR SERIES- Twilight Zone meets Snapped  Each episode introduces us to a character that has been seriously wronged and the experience has somehow changed their life. They decide revenge is the only way to gain control.